Past Events

Unity Passover Seder

Amid rising antisemitism in Palm Beach County and across the country and globe, a sold-out crowd of more than 175 non-Jewish and Jewish attorneys, judges, elected officials and area leaders joined together for an inspiring Passover Unity Seder at Manatee Lagoon on Monday, April 29, 2024. The event, a remarkable partnership of eight diverse Palm Beach County Legal Bar Associations and emceed by former Florida Bar President Gary Lesser, was sponsored by Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County. Guests participated in a traditional Seder meal with a service jointly led by Rabbi Ryan Daniels of Temple Israel West Palm Beach as well as Rev. Kevin Jones to honor the Jewish holiday of Passover, the story of the ancient Jews exodus from slavery in Egypt.

THE JLAPBC previously helped organize and lead the first-ever community wide Unity Passover Seder, which was a collaboration between all of the voluntary bar associations in Palm Beach County. Our goal was to bring our legal community together for mutual support and respect, and the event was successful and will be back next Passover.

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